Our Story
Dave Brown began doing office moves and office relocations in 1999. He enjoyed the mix of logistical skill, human effort, equipment, and tools involved in the process.
As he worked around the other people in his clients’ places of business, he was tuned in to the fact that they needed him to do his job well, so they could do theirs. Yet the crews that many office movers put onsite were nameless, faceless laborers. They were not seen as teammates who showed pride and enabled a safe, efficient move that let those other workers get their jobs done. He knew there had to be a better way.
In 2007, Dave started his own company in Northern Virginia, built on the philosophy that “professional, friendly, and helpful” were attributes that office movers should add to “safe and efficient.”
And so DB Industries was born.
Today, the company has a team of highly motivated and skilled employees who receive the training, leadership, and incentives to bring Dave’s vision to commercial, government, and not-for-profit organizations who need office furniture installation and storage services.